Selfie Mode
Sometimes when I capture an image, the thought enters my mind: ‘Will this be the last image I ever take?’ ‘Is this the last image my subject will ever have taken of them?’ This somber thought reminds me of our mortality and brings me into the present moment.
As a photographer, I have the privilege of meeting the most amazing, interesting and talented individuals. However, I never have any images of myself with these incredible humans capturing those cherished memorys.
Inspired by a photographer I draw great inspiration from Platon, I sought to remedy this…Welcome the selfie button. A device typically used by landscape photographers to remotely trigger their shutter when taking long exposures, this piece of equipment has become a staple on every shoot.
At the end of a portrait session I always ask my subject if they would allow me to take a selfie with them to commemorate the occasion, this is always immediately met with a ‘hells yeah’ and a smile as I set up the device for us both to stand in front of the camera.
Drawing inspiration from 1990’s/2000’s punk albums I use a wide angle lens and get us to come in really close to emphasis the wide angle effect. With the screen flipped we can both see the results and it is instantly met with laughter, smiles and high fives.
This has become one of my favorite parts of my portrait sessions and cant wait to see who I may get to share the lens for a moment with in the future.