Hybrid Machine! James Newbury

Currently hailing from the Gold Coast, James is one of the most insanely driven humans I have met. When he is not working out, surfing or smashing a coffee, James is currently going pedal to the metal with his new supplement brand Phyba.

Coming off the back of an incredibly successful CrossFit career where went to the CrossFit games FOUR TIMES!, an iron man athlete and promoter of the hybrid method of training, James is putting all the lessons learned from his experiences into this new venture.

Upon meeting James for my Immortal’s project it became immediately clear that his humble, articulate and good nature is the reason he is one of Australia’s most liked Crossfit athletes and not just for his sporting accolades.

You can hear about Jame’s sporting adventures, current projects and where to find the best coffee on the Goldy on my Youtube channel where I interview him for Immortals.

In collaboration with Allied Magazine


Immortals Project Update


Jake ‘The Machine’ Wyllie