I Am Stoked - Emerging Photographer Awards

There was some absolutely insane work submitted this year in Capture Magazine ‘Top Emerging Photographer Awards’ of which I submitted 5 of my own projects.

I was lucky enough to have 4 of my 5 pieces of submitted work make it through rounds of judging which blew all of my expectations and am very stoked about the result. Coming away with two top 10 rankings and two commended.

My entires where from 3 different personal projects; Fire Fire Fire, Immortals and Good Morning Vietnam.

For Fire Fire Fire I linked up with the gentleman from D Crew at my home town fire department and shot a series of portraits in their different kit outs.

Rogan Dean is a crossfit athlete I shot for my Immortals project and Good Morning Vietnam was from a holiday earlier this year.

Im excited for my next opportunity to submit in competitions later this year.

Kelly Dixon & Graeme Connors

They may be a little more seasoned from the outback sun but these country music legends still have as much creativity in them as ever.

I have worked with GC on a few projects before so when he rung me with the opportunity for another I was already there.

For a new project he is working on he has brought in acclaimed song writer and poet Kelly Dixon, who has penned over 160 songs including 40 for Slim Dusty.

Kelly is 96 but as sharp as a tack, and listening to these two artists stories and watching them work was truly inspirational.