Matty Mac!

As I scrolled down his Instagram feed my jaw dropped to the floor… ‘Who the hell is this guy!?’

For my first 2 portraits for my project ‘Immortals’ I hired the Gold Coast Studio which has now become my all-time favorite studio to shoot at. It is amazingly equipped and set out for my style with its minimal clean aesthetic and is run by one hell of a cool dude, Matt McFerran.

After finishing my shoot and talking to Matt I proceeded to Insta stalk him to find out about the owner of this cool studio and I was shocked at what I found.

His feed is filled with Matt sending the biggest freestyle motocross tricks, rad unique motorcycles and dirt bike adventures! Not what I expected from a photography studio owner.

In a past life Matt was a rider for some of the biggest Freestyle MX shows in the world including Nitro Circus and Crusty Demons, traveling and performing with them throughout the globe.

Needless to say, my curiosity was peeking, I had to find out more about this studio owner, photographer, freestyle mad man so I asked Matt if he would sit for his portrait for my project and get to know more about his life.

You can see my interview with Matt here on my YouTube channel.

It was great to get to know Matt and a connection that cant wait to work with in the future.

Freestyle MX ‘Ride Safe’ Event

G’day G’day all!

When reaching out to Gav for my project ‘Immortals’ I was lucky enough to have him invite me to his charity event ‘Ride Safe’ to help raise money to get youths on the right path.

Having 3 of Australia’s top Freestyle MX stars and influencers sit for their portrait was a massive high for me. Absolute top dudes Jayo Archer: one of only three human beings to land a triple backflip, Nitro Games competitor Jayden ‘Southy’ South and viral Instagram whip sender Mason Rowe shared with me some of their wildest stories and upcoming tricks and projects they are working on.

These guys were truly humble. ‘We all get scared, but we are just able to deal with it to put on the best show we can for the fans’, Southy.

The man behind ‘Ride Safe’ Gavin Heggs.

The man is always going at 110% with his motocross workshops and helping the up and coming motocross stars.

Top dude and can’t wait to take his portrait and interview him!

Have a sweet day!