IRONMAN - Zac Dunn

This weekend I will be hanging out with IRONMAN athlete Zac Dunn again as he is in town to compete in the Brisbane Marathon.

Zac and I first met by a chance encounter with a mutual friend on our yearly snowboarding expedition to Japan. Ever since we have shared our love of sports, training and the outdoors.

Zac not only loves the challenge of endurance sports but is an avid lifter with a grueling training regime. This is what leads to his impressive physique, having him usually about 10-20kg heavier than his endurance competitors. 😂

I look forward to watching him rip the marathon and the post event meal we gorge ourselves on, with many laughs and tails of our 6 months since meeting last.


Part 2/3 of my IRONMAN - Swim, Ride, Run series ‘Ride’.

Banging out 60km to over 90km sessions a couple times a week when in prep for an IRONMAN is an incredible amount of volume for normies like us but athlete Zac Dunn froths them with ease.

This set was shot at a gorgeous spot in my home town Mackay and I really enjoy the back lighting coming through the pine trees making it look like it could of been shot in the hills somewhere else in the world.

Keep an eye out for my final set ‘Run’.


Part 1 of 3 for my Ironman Swim, Ride, Run series.

Athlete Zac Dunn on his morning training session. An absolute mountain of a man, Zac’s morning swims are minimum 3km and consist of a combination of long slow swims and interval sessions.

The half in half out of the water shots are a favourite of mine and make Zac look more like a super hero. Keep an eye out for the next set in the series ‘Ride’.