The Ringer - BTS

Amongst the rolling hills and red dirt of the outback near Speedwell, I had the honour of working with an Australian icon.

Kelly Dixon has written countless award winning country classics and bush poetry in his career, including some for the aussie legend Slim Dusty. I had the pleasure of reconnecting with him on a music video for ‘The Ringer’, which is a bush ballad based on his retirement.

96 years young, Kelly has retired to his little farm of 150 acres in the beautiful countryside of Speedwell. The serenity shooting in this bushland oasis was so relaxing, and helped lend itself to the slower pace filming tempo I have tried to bring to this film clip.

Keep an eye out for the music video release of ‘The Ringer’ next month and the possibility of getting Kelly one more golden guitar!

Wandering Warriors - Fight For A Cause

During my time in the army as a Riflemen in the 1st Royal Australian Regiment I formed the closest bonds with men that are now family.

When I left defence I was very fortunate that I also had a close family and friend network on the outside to help my transition to civilian life. Unfortunately some veterans don’t have this luxury and the transition can be scary, complicated and lonely.

Thats why I am fighting in this years Fight For A Cause charity boxing match to help raise money and awareness for my veteran brothers and sisters who need that support when they leave defence.

I would appreciate your support by donating or buying a ticket or table for the fight night on the 20th April at the Fortitude Music Hall.