Evergreen Content Workshop

A common theme amongst some of the professionals and brands I work with is you guys are struggling to come up with original content ideas that resinate with your audiences.

Iv’e partnered with Allied Magazine to release my first workshop teaching you how to create Evergreen content that will be relevant today, in a month, next year and forever.

THE AUDIENCE IS THE ASSET and we teach you how to create value that builds the die hard fans that love you, jam with your message and when you are ready to sell, will buy from you.

The curriculum includes:

  • Why Giving Free Value Makes You More Money

  • How to Come Up With Original EverGreen Ideas

  • Using AI to Your Advantage

  • The Gear You Need (and Don’t Need) and How to Use It

  • Free (or very cheep) Software/Apps You Can Use

  • 1 Day a Month Content Days For Bulk Content

  • How to Overcome Camera Anxiety

  • Which Social Media Platforms to Use

  • Hosting Your Own Content on Your Website

  • Content for 2 Types of Leads: Clients and Business Partners

  • Q&A

  • We Make Some Content!

I have packed this with as much knowledge as I can so that all you have to do after the workshop… is start.

I hope to see you there.
