Celebrating the Artistry of the Human Form with Jamón

In the world of art, Greek sculptures have long been revered for their ability to capture the essence of human beauty and grace. These timeless masterpieces, often depicting women in their most elegant and natural forms, have served as a profound source of inspiration for countless artists throughout history. In a recent photoshoot, I had the privilege of channeling this rich artistic legacy to celebrate the innate beauty of the female form. Much like the sculptors of ancient Greece, our aim was to create images that would not just showcase, but also elevate, a woman's curves to their fullest potential.

Although the style of our images were very different from classical sculptures we were able to who of Jamón’s beautiful form by creating shapes with here body and a simple background.

Second to showing off her form we wanted to capture some simple but powerful beauty shots that have you completely fixed on her eyes.

This was really fun and I'm stoked on this set that Jamón gets to put in her new modelling portfolio.


Luke Cunningham Portfolio


Everybody Was Kung Fu Fighting!