Suits Can Look Cool Too! - Luke Sartor Corporate

All these people in suits have souls too! And I love helping them bring out their personality.

When people hear ‘corporate photoshoot’ they think of a painful experience where they are forced into a half baked smile and left looking like another drone in the matrix.

I think it is crucial as a photographer to give your subjects an ‘experience’ as a photoshoot. So with a little charisma and charm, I try to leave my corporate clients having a great time when we break their usual daily routine for their team photos. This leads to much more genuine, relatable and human reactions, that better translate the companies team and brand.

‘What would you want on the cover of your autobiography?’ This is the question I pose to myself and my clients when we are trying to create personal branding images that gives them authority, translates their persona and communicates their story. In the endless sea of ‘LinkedIn headshots’, I really want my clients to stand out form the heard of suits.

Whether a client is a seasoned media appearance veteran or its their one moment of fame, I want the viewers of their piece to stop and take notice. ‘Bold’ is one of my core style principles (bold, raw, minimal) and that’s how we get their audiences attention.

I loathe nothing more than deathly boring brand comms, you know the ones? Stock images of another company that kind of fits your company and ‘ah it’ll do the job. Bringing the personality out of a brand and having its members bring their own individual elements that contribute to the whole, brings me great joy. Ive had the pleasure of helping some great teams express their quirky selves!

Tech Meets Allied Health . DAMIEN ADLER - POWER DIARYS

In a niche sector of the tech space PowerDiary’s are making huge waves with their allied health practice management/scheduling system ‘PowerDiary’. I sat down with CEO and founder Damien Adler for an interview for the latest cover of Allied Magazine .

PowerDiary’s is used in over 23 countries globally and is taking the US by storm becoming one of the leading practice management systems and growing rapidly.

In 2011 Damien (psychologist) was managing his practice with multiple softwares and thought ‘there has got to be a better way’. Bringing on his brother Paul (technologist) the pair brought their skills together to solve the issue for themselves, little did they know that they had started something that will grow exponentially.

Damien, understanding the struggles other allied health practices deal with in their management systems, put it out to practices Australia wide to try help them simplify their systems. But as the software gained adoption they noticed that it wasn’t just Australian companies using it…. UK, US and other jurisdictions globally were signing up and that was when the light bulb moment happened that there software solves a problem that allied health practices struggle with globally.

I sat down with Damien who is an enthusiastic and articulate speaker, and thoroughly enjoyed our conversation about the early days, global adoption, the future of allied tech and AI and his love of mountain biking. You can watch our full interview below or download this month’s issue of Allied Magazine here.

Chis from Allied Magazine and Allied Marketing has been working with PowerDiary’s over the years to help them grow in the Australian market. The two were great to work with as it was obvious to see both of their passions for the allied space during our photoshoot.

This is my second cover for Allied Magazine and I am excited to continue shooting together as we cover everything in the sporting and health space, which are both big passions of mine.

Life Outside - ANZAC Day

As a veteran myself I have a special place in my heart for fellow ex defence members who may be struggling as civilians in ‘Life Outside’ the military.

During the interviews I conducted with veterans I wanted to gain their perspective on what are some of their struggles, triumphs and things they think the community can do to help support our soldiers when they leave the military.

A key take away from Jake who was an infantry soldier and sniper, is that, ‘it can be as small as someone talking to us that can make a huge difference in our lives. We are not psychos, we just might be having a ruff time.’

Brendan has gone onto become a helicopter pilot after leaving defence and he thinks that having a clear purpose once you leave the military is key to success on the outside. Finding or creating your own purpose will help you have direction when you are the now master of your own ship.

For Angus, finding a community is key to dealing with struggles on the outside. Having a group of like minded people that you can lean on in hard times and hold you accountable when building your new life.

For this Anzac Day please take the time to just say hello to a veteran. Because you never know what they may be dealing with and this small act of kindness can make all the difference.

Thank you for your service.


Wandering Warriors - Fight For A Cause

During my time in the army as a Riflemen in the 1st Royal Australian Regiment I formed the closest bonds with men that are now family.

When I left defence I was very fortunate that I also had a close family and friend network on the outside to help my transition to civilian life. Unfortunately some veterans don’t have this luxury and the transition can be scary, complicated and lonely.

Thats why I am fighting in this years Fight For A Cause charity boxing match to help raise money and awareness for my veteran brothers and sisters who need that support when they leave defence.

I would appreciate your support by donating or buying a ticket or table for the fight night on the 20th April at the Fortitude Music Hall.

Fire Fire Fire

I had the privilege of capturing portraits of the legendary members of D Crew from my home fire department. These individuals are true heroes, yet their humility and down-to-earth Aussie spirit shine through.

Working with them on these portraits was an absolute pleasure, and I am thrilled with the final results. To view the complete set, be sure to click into the blog post.

V For Visal

Old money dapper with new school suave is how I would describe Visal’s (V’s) style.

Walking around Newstead we went looking for some tasty light to capture some powerful portraits to add to our portfolios.

I wanted to find some areas with a simple environment to allow V to stand out from his surroundings and have the natural light extenuate his presence.

V’s calmness and charm was amazing to work with in front of the camera, effortlessly interacting with his surrounding to create some images I’m super pumped on.

After our shoot and getting to know each other over a lemon, lime, bitters, it was great to share some conversations with another driven creative seeking to carve out his name in the modeling and barber industry.

Rogan Dean

Champion. There are those that let a life trauma dictate their life and then there are those that do what ever the hell they were going to do anyway, Rogan Dean is the latter.

Growing up playing football, Rogan was living the life and pursuing his dream of playing for the NRL. In 2020 his life changed forever when he was hit by a car while on his motorbike and suffered a crush injury to his foot leaving him with the decision to either have a prosthetic foot or remove more of his leg to widen the range of prosthetics available and allow him to pursue his purpose.

To Compete.

Competing in any form is one of Rogan’s driving forces and it lead him to become the Crossfit Games Adapted Devision world champion in 2023. Winning gold after only his second appearance at the games (winning silver in 2022) and short time in Crossfit, Rogans achievements are incredible. Most of us fully abled people would wither at the physical feats that Rogan is able to put his body through as an adaptive athlete.

It was an inspiration and an honour to have Rogan sit for his portrait and allow me to hear his story for my Immortals project.

90’s Nostalgia

Inspired by my love of Punk Rock and being born in the 90’s, I had to put these two parts of my life into a shoot.

I wanted it to be poppy, grungy and fun and I needed a model that could embody this feeling and has the wardrobe to match. There was only one choice in my mind. My friend Phoebe.

With here fun, bright, retro wardrobe Phoebe came over to my apartment and in my living room we banged out this shoot that I am stoked about.

I wanted to have several looks each with a different feel and colour palette. You can watch the shoot and my editing process here on my YouTube channel.